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Fairness and Equity

Polis is determined to create the best experience possible for competitive and casual gamers alike. A crucial factor of this is ensuring that everyone is acting respectfully and honestly towards others, and as such, issues such as cheating, harrassment, and other forms of poor behavior are taken seriously and addressed immediately. As a general rule, it is a good idea to ask yourself how you would like to be treated and treat others the same way. Of course, as all people are different, even this can sometimes be insufficient, and that is why we have written a short list of behavioral expectations:
DO NOT CHEAT -- this includes all ways to obtain an advantage in a game or the Polis leaderboards that are not explicitly allowed by the rules. Thus, while the typical manners of cheating like using illegal equipment and possessing unfair advantages in gameplay are forbidden, so too are processes such as collusion, intentional forfeiture, and any other behaviors that undermine the premise that all parties participating in a game want to win with integrity. Any instances of cheating in Polis will be addressed as soon as they happen, and can result in temporary or permanent bans from the community, evaluated on a case-by-case basis depending on the severity of the infraction.
BE RESPECTFUL -- treat all members of the Polis community with kindness and fairness. This includes, but is not limited to:
  • Keeping chat room conversation friendly and relevant.
  • Contributing family-friendly esports-related content.
  • Keeping comments on livestreams and other events friendly and relevant.
  • Acknowledging and upholding Polis as a community open to everyone regardless of their race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other protected class.
  • Demonstrating alliance with potential victims of discrimination, harrassment, and the like by reporting such behavior as soon as it is observed
A key principle of Polis is that esports fans of all identities and levels are welcome, and as such, the community is absolutely intolerant of things such as hate speech and harassment. Anyone caught using the Polis platform to spread harmful content or rhetoric will be punished immediately via the punishment system (reference punishment checklist).
Be serious and have fun -- at Polis, we believe in the simultaneous principle of trying as hard as possible to win while also having fun. How better to respect your opponent than to challenge them as much as possible with your gameplay? How better to recover from a loss than to appreciate having learned something from it? We are dedicated to cultivating an environment where everyone competes respectfully but earnestly, and we hope that this mindset allows everyone to compete at the top of their game!

Punishment Tracker

-250 Polis Points1 Week Suspension1 MonthPermanent Ban

Bids and Rankers

BIDS! BIDS! BIDS! Alongside the leaderboards, the Rankers system is the foremost means of demarcating the elite players in a given game. The title of Ranker is given to nine players per game, and this number is fixed. In order for the title of Ranker to exchange hands, a player must beat a Ranker in an official challenge match to take their title (these matches have a special qualification process dependent on winning certain qualifying tournaments), alongside maintaining a minimum Polis point total of 1200 in their given game. In order to ensure that the Rankers remain tested, they must accept a minimum of two challenges per month (see Bids below). Additionally, Rankers compete amongst each other for the annual championship cycles for the games in which they rank, which at Polis is the ultimate measure of individual achievement in a given game. Rankers can also challenge other rankers for a chance to improve their position on this leaderboard, but they suffer a point penalty if their challenge is unsuccessful. Lastly, as esteemed representatives of the elite of their respective game, Rankers can be important voices in the Polis discourse, and as such, they will be the first to learn of and provide feedback for new developments in the structure of Polis and plans to improve the platform moving forward.
BIDS -- As mentioned briefly before, bids give a player the chance to challenge rankers for their title, and these bids are earned by winning certain qualifying tournaments sanctioned by Polis. If a player who is not currently a ranker earns a bid, they may challenge a ranker to a match with their title on the line. However, a ranker (or guildmaster in the case of guilds) is entitled to deny a challenge from a player, but no more than once (in other words, it may take a player two attempts to successfully challenge a ranker). Rankers themselves must accept two challenges or more per month, so there will be a turnaround through the pantheon of rankers.


Bid 1Bid 2